Casos de Éxito
En ZamTech nos enorgullecemos de cada proyecto que realizamos. Cada caso es un éxito compartido con nuestro cliente. Es por ésto que esta sección contiene algunos de los casos de éxito que ejemplifican mejor nuestras soluciones y su alcance.
Expediting Imports with Automation
Our client, one of the largest chemical manufacturers in the world, was facing an issue at their foreign trade division, incurring on an excessive number of hours and with errors, running the risk of incurring on penalties and even a potential halt on their imports/exports, which could translate on a stop to their production with the consequent impact on client’s relationships and revenue loss that could have impacted their bottom line.
Fixed Assets Management with Business Intelligence
Our client, an important global chemical manufacturer, was facing an issue at Information Technology division due to a bad computer´s inventory administration. There were several sites with different amounts of computers and each one with its own characteristics such as type, model, operating system and peripherals.
Sales Growth with Data Transformation and Visualization
Our client, one of the world's largest chemical manufacturing companies, was facing a serious problem in handling and visualizing sales information in a business unit. They needed a dashboard that could accurately and timely report sales by product and by salesperson in order to make corrective and commission decisions. The problem was that the one they had, required a technical expert in the dashboard and many man hours invested to update it. Senior management demanded speed while the speed of the process did not even allow for timely feedback to the sales staff.
Expenses Control with Business Intelligence
Our client, an important global chemical manufacturer, was facing an issue at Information Technology division due to a bad expenses' administration. Too much data without an order. And management was not sure if he could trust in data as there was not consistency: one day the numbers showed were ones, and the next day they were different.